For more information:

Disclaimer :telescope:

I’m writing this from the future so I don’t remember exactly what happened — @wingz 2k19

Camp?   Conference? Both ?!?!

 Who went ? 

— most of the Hex Rats people
— most of the OG 9447 crew
(thanks again for tent space :tent:)


Really appreciate @idont sponsoring me half of the ticket price to attend this event :raised_hands:

  • Looking back $100 wasn’t really that bad of a price considering
    • The campground probably had a rental fee
    • There were prepared meals
    • Badge materials dont grow on trees
    • Transportation for the various speakers/volunteers


Pre-assembly Workshop time Finished!
badge1 badge2 badge3

This awesome badge comes with parts such as

  • microcontroller
  • IR LED’s
  • Regular LED’s
  • transistor
  • resistors


During the camp a few people would become “Infected” and their badge would flash red. If they pointed their badge at yours for long eough you would then become “Infected” too!

  • I think its a really awesome way to break the ice
  • You can go infect someone and say ‘Hi’ at the same time :new_moon_with_face:

  • The effect wears off after some time so you will constantly want to mingle around
    • Either to infect people
    • Or to get yourself re-infected
    • Because lets face it — red looks cooler than green :red_circle:

There was also a flag to find if you did a packet analysis on the messages being sent over the IR channel

Talks // Workshops

Besides the badge workshop there was also

  • Foxhunt with SDR — Short Distance Radio
    • @papa and I hunted for RF transmissions (flags) around the campgrounds
    • We didn’t find anything but the live exercise was fun
  •  Locksport Village  
    If you ever wondered what a
    table full of locks looks like
    Also got to try a door bypass with a janky metal wire thingo
    lockslockslocks platypus.door
  •   Night-time Fireball talks :fire:  
    Security people drinking tequila mixtures and giving talks… what could possibly go wrong ???
    Giant inflatable platypus btw! :arrow_down:
    fireballz bigplatypus
  • There was also a tutorial on Mousejacking (but I don’t recall the content)

Reflections and RIP

I did fuckall for networking lol
because I was still new and shy and you know the rest

Unfortunately — there were no more Platypus events after 2017… :broken_heart: