I was helped on this one because I’m a fucking retard pleb
I didn’t copy+paste the password and repeatedly typed it in wrong :man_facepalming:


Main flow of the program


  • print(prompt)
  • get(username)
  • compare(username)
    • Continue if comparison succeeds
    • Else fail and die
  • print(prompt)
  • get(password)
  • compare(password)
    • Continue if comparison succeeds
    • Else fail and die
  • print(:checkered_flag:)


  • Disassemble the program
  • The username and password in plaintext is laid right infront of you
  • Figure out the control flow to find out why the program early exits…


New concepts

It was easy to get thrown off by:

  • The source file being C++, which probably looked like this:

    using namespace std;   
    int main() { 
        cout<<"Hello World"; 
        return 0; 

    instead of this:

    #include <stdio.h>  
    int main() {    
        printf("Hello World");    
        return 0;   

  • the different calling conventions, 64-bit PE uses rcx,rdx,r8,r9 during fastcall which differs from the x64 convention on Linux which uses rdi,rsi,rdx,rcx,r8,r9

  • Also the function name mangling — like who the fuck calls scanf as _ZStrsIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEERSt13basic_istreamIT_T0_ES7_RSbIS4_S5_T1_E

  • C++ uses “vtables” for classes, which becomes very complex to understand in the disassembly (especially when first starting out like me!)

Learning new things

Some of this knowledge I got from @SeargantSkid :sunglasses:

  • cin and istream can be thought of as stdin
  • cout and ostream can be thought of as stdout
  • Pay attention to the operator symbol in the function comments


The first red block can be identified as a comparison function (==) even though the function name is mangled, also notice how all the ostream functions have the arrows in the left direction?

When using stdin/stdout:

  • You first have to initialize a stream
  • Then whenever you need to use cout, you allocate the stream to cout
  • From there you pass your data and the stream together to a function that will print to stdout

Google is your best friend (sometimes) :mag:

Based on the application logic itself I knew it was some form of comparison: compare

But by throwing the function name in Google, I found several sites that do some code coverage analysis or something… but when I looked up the actual function the results were amazing!


The code seems to be in /usr/include/c++/4.8/bits/basic_string.h:


Granted this does not work with every mangled function name, but its always worth a shot!