
Yeah I was not blogging for a few months, dunno why, just did!
Update March 2020: Finally got most posts up-to-date :ballot_box_with_check:

A Year of changes :bamboo:

Resolutions for 2020:

  • Do more reversing
    • more flareon
    • more crackmes
    • more reversing.kr
    • more pwnable.kr   (exploits tho)
  • Get a bounty by the end of the year
    • public is best but not required
    • kudos/points-only is fine for me too
  • move closer to work to make full use of free time :ballot_box_with_check:

  • Get more in touch with InfoSec news
    • get Twitter app on phone and read it in spare time :ballot_box_with_check:

Job opportunities

  • Got offered another chance to go Singapore again but turned it down :lion: :disappointed:
    • I believe that good luck/fortune should be shared around! Is this Communism???
  • Hopefully more international travel opprtunities to come!
    • Update March 2020: Covid-19 replied…. no :mask:


- [JAN/FEB] 	 Physical kiosk penetration test coming up soon... 
- [MARCH] 	 OSCP Exams
- [MAY] 	 BSIDES Canberra 2020 (skipping due to Covid-19)
- [JUNE] 	 Internal tech training conferrence