Setup Phase :construction:

Kali VM :dart:

  • Preferably installed on a physical host machine
    • Tried installing on a VM using nested virtualization but didn’t work
    • VMWare Player refused to work, but somehow the godsend that is Virtualbox worked!
  • Give VM lots of RAM! The host machine had 18GB of RAM so Kali got 8GB :smile:

  • Set the VM to bridged mode:
    • The VM gets its own IP address instead of sharing network with host
  • Got the client sysadmin to:
    • Configure static internal IP via DHCP for the Kali VM
    • SSH forwarding from WAN-facing host to internal Kali VM
    • Only allow SSH traffic from our whitelisted locations, eg. office/VPN
  • Change the root password to something random! :moyai:

Nessus Professional :bento:

  • Download the package and install over cli
  • Use license key to initialise and setup
  • run the scan and watch as the HIGH/CRITs flow in :wink:
    • BlueKeep
    • BlueGate (no public PoC)
    • SigRED (no public PoC)

Metasploit / msfconsole :space_invader:

  • Use the auxiliary/scanner/ipmi_dumphashes module
    • Used to dump the IPMI2 hash of common users on vulnerable machines

Tools :hammer_and_wrench:

responder :satellite:

  • “Responds” to requests over the network that are meant for other servers
  • Typically stuff like wpad files or SMB-related requests
  • By doing so the requesting server gives the credentials to the “responder”
  • The captured NTLMv2 hashes can then be cracked offline
  • Can also be relayed using MultiRelay

Note on NTLMv2:

  • Has nonce so can only be used once, great for anti-forgery
  • NTLMv2 can be cracked using hashcat for the NTLM hash, or the plaintext
  • NTLM hash doesn’t come with a nonce so it can be replayed indefinitely

Multi Relay :arrows_counterclockwise:

  • Useful when you just can’t crack the hash
  • Perfect for servers with SMB Signing Disabled, as forged hashes accepted
  • Use the hash before the legitimate user can, race condition scenario??
  • Kind of like stealing someone’s bank card in the bank, jumping queue infront of them, doing stuff as them and then throwing the card away… :credit_card:

crackmapexec :dash:

  • Spray a NTLM hash or password across an IP range
  • Have to specify if domain account or local account as they are different
  • Very noisy, after 5 failed attempts the account will be locked for 30 mins across whole domain
  • Useful in finding valid credential sets and accounts quickly

bettercap :twisted_rightwards_arrows:

  • Not much chance to play with it yet
  • Something something network swiss army knife
  • Can fuck with other attached networks

Active Directory Explorer :statue_of_liberty:

  • Locate IP address of any Domain Controller (DC)
  • Port forward port 139 (LDAP) to local machine
  • Use AD explorer with any domain account to query DC for info
    • Can perform very powerful searches
    • ie. Give me all computer/workstation names and OS version across domain
  • Weakness lies in standalone nodes that aren’t part of AD

Bloodhound :dog2:

  • Used in conjunction with AD explorer to compute the fastest path to DA
  • Extremely noisy, not to be used in situations requiring stealth

More to come :soon:

Of course this is not an exhaustive list of what can be done, it is simply my experience of this test. There may be more internal infrastructure blogs to come…