
I was extremely lucky and privileged to be referred to join the platform:


This is where I will be doing most of my bountying for the forseeable future, it has its perks but also some of its frustrations I will say…

The bug

The functionality in question is one of those "Send to a friend" things you see on most eCommerce websites.

It essentially allows you to specify an email address and it will share the current item/article you are browsing to said friend.

In terms of the raw HTTP POST request, there were the following parameters:

  • from
  • to
  • subject
  • body

The outgoing request looked like this: request And the corresponding email: email

After numerous attempts at tampering with the other parameters, and even the message itself, I found that the message would always revalidate back to the old formats.

However, there seemed to be a separate validation occuring for the URL within the body, as an illegal URL (not the same as the hostname) would result in the following email:


I then remembered the great talk given by Orange Tsai on
bypassing URL parsers. :orange: (see slides 28-30)

The one method I tried straight away which worked was inserting the following URL:

This fools the parser as it checks if the good hostname is present in the URL string, however the browser would interpret it as


An attacker could therefore use this to phish unsuspecting users, if they do not inspect the URL properly… :fishing_pole_and_fish: :email:


In the end I was paid out $118.97 USD for this vulnerability.

For an additional parameter on a duplicate endpoint it is worth 10% of the original price (which I guess was $187), but the additional $100 came from the program being in Blitz :zap: mode.

Blitz mode is when a program offers more bonuses to researchers when a program goes stale/ no reported vulnerabilities for an extended period of time


I honestly thought my submission would be marked as Duplicate as someone had already made a submission for the same endpoint.

I was extremely grateful for an early Christmas present when the email came in saying it was accepted!!! :gift:

It’s nothing spectacular compared to what other stories you see/hear out there, but this is my achievement and I’m proud of it nonetheless :smile: