I won’t go into too much detail as some of the processes used in Privasec aren’t meant to be discussed publicly :wink: :hushed:

Offices :office:

Currently Privasec has offices in the following locations:

  • Sydney (main office)
  • Melbourne
  • Brisbane
  • Singapore :singapore:

Scheduling :calendar:

I like the way Privasec handles scheduling, in terms of:

  • scoping processes
  • project time allocation and overall project management
  • rest time between engagements
  • research/development time allocation

Reports :notebook:

  • Not as automated as other pentesting firms, but gets the job done
  • Processes to ensure each report is delivered to the highest quality
  • New findings are added to eventually grow the cache for future use

Culture :u5408:

  • Having passion for your work and also a sense of servitude to the clients is not only highly promoted, but is also celebrated within the company
  • No “working in silos”, you could talk as easily to someone in GRC or Sales as you would your fellow RED team member
  • Fun-loving: you know you don’t have to take things too seriously when one of the Founders is riding his bike around the office floor for fun :bike:
  • Employees are valued more: training budgets, expense-paid trips, flexible work arrangements when you can give a valid reason

My thoughts / Reflections :thought_balloon:

  • More freedom means more responsibility: having the autonomy of your own time comes with the burden of learning how to manage and utilise it for the most effectiveness
  • Being upfront and avoiding the blame game: instead of dodging responsibility, problems should be resolved with mature honest discussions and proper mitigation plans to prevent further recurrence
  • Learning how to raise issues early rather than shy away due to fear of repurcussions
  • Learning how to ask for help, and to chase up requests, without the fear of “inconveniencing” others (within reason of course)

Misc :blossom:

  • Cool shirts! If you’re in Sydney and you want one, hit me up :)