The overall theme of this conference for me was reunion

Working in the industry for awhile now it made me realise that as the years go by friends/ex-colleagues drift apart and sometimes you only see them once a year so its a bittersweet moment when you get to see them again :cry: But when you do meetup the banter is just as good as last time :joy:

Sekuro OffSec Trip!

For context, the Sekuro OffSec team has presence in pretty much all the major Australian cities, and I’ve only ever met Sydney and Melbourne people the most.

As a way to bring the whole team together and promote cohesion and culture, Sekuro paid for the whole OffSec team’s flights/expenses/meals/tickets. It was a great time to meet some colleagues from other states face-to-face after working with them virtually for months.


I think it paid off big time as I noticed the team definitely got more tight-knit after that :heartpulse:

Badge :beginner::iphone:

Amazing - this one was based off an iPod and let you do cool things like play snake on it. It boasts touch GPIO so you can interact with the menus via simple scrolling gestures! The accompanying talk was funny and engaging too!

It also supported the Shitty Add-On standard so you can link additional mini-badges on it too.

I attended the workshop which was quite interesting as well, learning how the PCB design process in KiCad worked.

The talks :speaking_head:

Here are the talks that I found most interesting/memorable:

Title Author(s) Why I watched/will watch
The Dark Side of LLMs Javan Rasokat It was great to see how coding with LLMs can go so right and so horribly wrong
The Journey to Mastery Louis Nyffenegger Great to rewatch I think when you start to lose your sense of purpose in security (Link)
When Exploits Aren’t Binary Maddie Stone Understanding the wider ecosystem around 0-day exploitations in the wild (Link)
APT Attack Techniques in Azure Cloud Lina Lau Wasn’t able to attend but heard its good (Link)

I missed out on the Tim Noise talk about deepfaking audio/video and regret not attending as it was strictly not recorded :disappointed_relieved:


Didn’t play in the CTF this time around, instead focused on talks and catching up with friendo’s

Black Bag :briefcase:

Didn’t end up participating in it either but I was around for the walkthrough. Really awesome concept and keen to try next time round :)